February 8, 2016 | Township Board Meeting

February 9, 2016

Call to Order

AttendanceBoard members – Scott Mead, Lee Kaplan, Kim Hand, Lita Wallace; Number of resident/s present – 5; Number of non-resident/s present – 1

Clerk’s Report – January 2016 minutes was approved. Motion by Scott, second by Lee, motion carried (Scott-yay, Lee-yay). Effective March, the minutes of last month’s meeting will no longer be read during the meeting. Board members will review the minutes from the website prior to the meeting. Copies of last month’s meeting minutes will be provided to the guests.

Treasurer’s Report

$260,694.69  – Total cash on hand as of 12/31/2015
+         673.11 – Deposits
–     17,836.29 – Expenditures
$  243,531.51 – Total cash on hand as of 1/31/2016

 Old Business – Update on West Branch Road repair work – Lee contacted St. Louis County (Steve Tverberg, Supervisor of Zone 5) to check if they would consider taking over the maintenance of West Branch Road owned by the township and they said no.  However, they will be working on the county portion of the road later this year and they offered us a chance to piggyback on the project. This should save us some money. We will follow up with them in the spring to get a cost estimate and payment schedule to see if this is feasible.

March 8 election update: In compliance with Minnesota Statutes, Public Notices of the election date and bad weather alternate date, and a Sample Ballot have been posted on the township webpage and at Pequaywan Inn. Scott will post the information on the town bulletin board.

New BusinessCorrespondence received this month were from St. Louis County to submit Annual Report of Outstanding Indebtedness for 2015 which Kim filled out and submitted, and Unemployment form that Kim has a question on which she is following up.

ClaimsCheck numbers 1031-1036 in the total amount of $3,756.48. Motion by Scott, second by Lee, motion carried (Scott yay, Lee yay).

Public Comment – none

Next Meeting – March 8, 2016, 9:15 p.m. or right after the Annual Meeting, Pequaywan Fire Department, 8764 Pequaywan Lake Road

Motion to Adjourn at 7:47 by Lee, second by Scott, motion carried (Scott yay, Lee yay).

Respectfully submitted,
Lita Wallace, Town Clerk