November 1, 2016 | Township Board Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chair Scott Mead.


  • Supervisors Scott Mead and Don Swanstrom; Treasurer Kim Hand; and Clerk Lita Wallace
  • Number of resident/s present – 3; Number of non-resident/s present – 1; guest Beth Peterson from St. Louis County

Clerk’s Report – The minutes from October meeting motioned for approval by Don, seconded by Scott, motion carried. (Don yay, Scott yay)

Treasurer’s Report

$255,926.34 — Total cash on hand as of 9/30/2016
$      3,449.60  — Add: Deposits
$    20,605.02 — Less: Expenditures (includes $19,870.00 Firewise charges)
$238,770.92       Total cash on hand as of 10/31/2016

Motion by Scott, second by Don, motion carried (Scott yay, Don yay.)

Old Business

  • Logging in township property – Contract for logging with Wastewood Recyclers is in process. Discussion: (1) use chipped wood to cover the walking path; (2) put signs that says “No motorized vehicle” to prevent ATV’s from driving in the land; (3) on the contract, list items that the township wanted done such as: (a) keeping pines, spruce, maple and smaller birch trees; (b) cut everything else – bigger birch, balsam and aspen; (c) charge $1.00 to make it a legal contract; (d) put together a procedure working on the land to the north; (e) add an end date to the contract – full year or end of summer. Note: lead person and rep of loggers – Beth Peterson, St. Louis County, Soil, Water and Conservation District
  • Action Plan for December meeting re-logging: finalize contract for timber sale; finalize conservation plan; acquire a driveway public access permit from St. Louis County Public Works to be able for loggers to access the logging area in the township land from Rossini Road; and contact Randy Roff of St. Louis County, to acquire access permit to the land owned by St. Louis County between Rossini Road and the township land for access to the logging area.
  • Discussion of road maintenance – the big issue is enlarging the turnaround by getting rid of the banks with plan of completing before winter 2017.
  • Treasurer Replacement – advertise in the Pequaywan Township and Pequaywan Association webpages; a resident interested in serving; inquire if the Treasurer in the nearby township would be interested in serving.
  • Reminder: General Election, November 8, 7am to 8pm, Pequaywan Firehall
  • Automark Public Accuracy Test – Sunday, November 6, 10:00 a.m.

New Business

  • Scott attended the St. Louis County Township Meeting in Cotton and reported that the meeting was comprised mostly of politicians introducing themselves within which none of them applies to our area.
  • Scott is planning to attend the Broadband part of the MAT Annual Meeting in St. Cloud on Friday, November 18 and is requesting if the township can pay for the $105.00 Registration Fee. He will cover transporation expense. Don motioned to approve, second by Scott, motion approved. (Don yay, Scott yay)


Received: Snowplow bill from St. Louis County in the amount of $1,006.25.

Public Comment – a resident is requesting if the township can be prepared to have a plan to answer questions for any township changes; i.e., dissolve township as was discussed at the last month’s meeting if a treasurer is not found or any other position in the township.

Claims and Payroll – Checks #1094-1096 in the total amount of $1,548.17.

Next Meeting:
December 13, 2016, 7:30 p.m., Pequaywan Fire Department, 8764 Pequaywan Lake Road

Motion to Adjourn at 8:35 p.m. by Scott, second by Don, motion carried. (Scott yay, Don yay)

Respectfully submitted by,
Lita Wallace, Town Clerk